Bad-Word Ban for Brains

By Taryn Mc

I'm raising hope for the Neurological Foundation of New Zealand; New Zealand's only dedicated funder of neurological research. 

In 2022 my mother was diagnosed with two rare brain-related conditions and passed away after a short but hard-fought battle. The 4th of July will be the second anniversary of her passing, and I thought what better way to remember her than me making an effort to do something she always wanted me to do... swear less. 

So this July I'm going to attempt to drop a few less f-bombs in my mothers honour. 

Because I'm realistic, every time I do drop an f-bomb I'll add a $2 donation of my own. Last time I did this my donation at the end of the month was... well lets just say... over $200. As I'm writing this I've already dropped one f-bomb as I forgot it was the 1st of the month. I'm sure others will take great pleasure in hold me to account and reminding me to add to my tally when I do slip up over the course of this month.

It'd be really good if others could get in behind the cause and sponsor me to raise some money for this worthy cause. Suggestions for a two tier system have been made... with the better I do the more people will pledge - anyway, in these tough times any support would be greatly appreciated. 

Thank you!


Want to know more about the Neurological Foundation? Read on...

1 in 3 people are now affected by a neurological condition - making what they do important to many Kiwis. They fund approximately $5 million worth of neurological research each year to further our understanding of the 700+ neurological conditions that exist. Every day researchers and clinicians dedicate their working day to finding cures, to developing treatment methods, and preventing the devastating effects of these diseases.

I'm inspired by what the Neurological Foundation of New Zealand does and want to help ensure that they can continue saving lives. Please help me help them by giving what you can, no matter how big or small, using the ‘Donate’ button. Together, we can raise hope for all those affected by neurological conditions - now and in the future.

My Achievements

My Updates

9 more days to go…

Monday 22nd Jul
Well team, we’re 22 days in. And I’ve dropped 86 f-bombs so far - That’s 3.9 per day which I suspect is substantially less than my usually my normal hourly swear rate. 

I’d like to give a  massive shout out to all the super-amazing people who have generously donated to the cause and to all those people who have helped me tally f-bombs when they just fall out of my mouth from time to time. 

Thank you all so much!!!! 

9 more days! Whoop!
Thank you to my incredible supporters!


Peter Mcquinn

Well if you don’t swear I be shocked if you do swear I will be cross good on you for trying to help people once again


Taryn Mcquinn

Well - I swore too much and have another $150 to add to make up for the 125 f bombs dropped over July...


Taryn Mcquinn


Angus Bell

You f-ing rock Taryn!


Emlyn M

Love your work Taryn 🥰


Brooke Thorburn


Kirsty Mcleod

An amazing initiative Taryn, such inspiration for others! You doing great and have enjoyed the cursing at the cursing during our calls haha :)



Hopefully this challenge doesn't bankrupt you ;-)


Terri Simpkins

You got this T... here are some alternatives to help along the way. Frick, Fig jam, Fudge, Flipping, Freaking, Effin :)




Cherie Logan

For your mum (and you 😃)....such a worthy cause!


Lynsey Polson


Hayley Ackers


Hae-na Kim

Awesome. Respect the cause, and what you're doing Taryn!



Taryn I don’t know you or your mum but you both sound like freaking amazing humans. Best of luck in banning the f bomb, that’s not something I could do… but I suspect my mum would also be happy if I did! What a great way to raise $ and awareness. Go you good thing!!!



Shot Taz!! <3





Good job Taz (b^_^)





Well done Taryn 🤗